Annual Meeting/Notice of Public Hearing Comprehensive Plan



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Annual Meeting of the Town of Shields

 will be held at the Emmet Town Hall on Tuesday, April 26, 2016.

W6777 Second Street, Watertown, WI.

At 7:00PM,

Susan Johnson-Clerk

Posted March 25, 2016

Notice of Public Hearing

Town of Shields Comprehensive Plan

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT the Town of Shields Town Board will hold a public hearing on the proposed Town of Shields Comprehensive Plan.  The public hearing will be held on 26th, day of April, 2016 at 7:30 p.m. and/or at the Emmet Town Hall, W6777 Second Street Road, Watertown, WI 53098.

The Town of Shields Comprehensive Plan is a policy document that will be used by the Town Board and Planning Committee as a guide for making decisions regarding land use and development in the community.  The plan contains background information and goals, objectives, policies and recommendations addressing each of the following nine (9) plan elements required by Wisconsin’s Comprehensive Planning legislation:

  1. Issues and Opportunities;
  2. Housing;
  3. Transportation;
  4. Utilities and Community Facilities;
  5. Agricultural, Natural and Cultural Resources;
  6. Economic Development;
  7. Intergovernmental Cooperation;
  8. Land Use; and
  9. Implementation

A “recommended draft” of the Town of Shields Comprehensive Plan is available for review at the Shields Town Hall and Dodge County Land Resources and Parks Department Office.  Residents are encouraged to review the plan and submit oral and/or written comments at the public hearing.

For additional information regarding the proposed Town of Shields Comprehensive Plan or to obtain copies of the Plan, contact Town Clerk Susan Johnson, 920-261-7154 or