Annual Meeting Minutes April 2019

Town of Shields Annual Meeting      April 23, 2019             7pm

Minutes (Unapproved)

Attendance: Chairman Neale Jones, Supervisor Peter McFarland, Treasurer Sue Nampel, Clerk Sue Johnson, Assessor P. Joe Plasil, Charmaine Plasil, Fr. Anthony Good, Ed & Susan Kileen, Aaron Jones, David & Sylvia Kube, Marvin & Mary Siefert, Dean & Kristi Kassube, Jack and Irene Miller, Carol Berner, Clint Stiemke & guest, Kathleen Kassube, Betty May.   

 1. The Board meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by Chairman Neale Jones, the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

2. The Annual Meeting Minutes from April 25, 2018 were read by the Town Clerk, on a motion by Fr. Anthony Good to accept the minutes as read, seconded by Ed Kileen. Motion Carried. No questions or corrections.

3. The 2018 Annual Report was read line by line by Clerk Johnson. Jack Miller made a motion to accept the 2018 Annual Report and Ed Kileen seconded. Motion Carried.

No questions or corrections.

4. Reports;

a. The Annual Road Side Clean Up will be held on April 27, 2019 weather permitting. Thank You ahead of time to all who participate, a reminder to remove any large rocks from your ditches. Thank You again for taking care of your properties. The clerk also had a hand out for the 2019 Dodge County Clean Sweep Collection and the Jefferson County Recycling Event. Check the posting board at the Transfer Site for time and location.

b. The Watertown Rural Fire Department report was given by Chairman Jones. The beginning balance in the account on 01/01/18 was $46,973.63 and ending balance of $61,243.74 on 12/21/14. In 2019 the Fire Contract payments for the four townships has gone up considerably; Shields will pay $52,361.43 which is up $12,941.13 from last year.

Emmet; $72,253.76, Milford; $35,499.92, Watertown; $105,755.84. Next years contract is expected to rise again.

c. The Plan Commission Report was given by Clerk Johnson; the PC met on March 22, 2018 for Sandra Sykes, a Minor Land Division and Conditional Use Permit for the creation of a 3-acre single family residence at N358 Barry Road. April 26, 2018 for Bruce and Stacy Bratz, a Minor Land Division and Conditional Use Permit for the creation of a 5-acre single family residence at W8081 Wood Road. On July 26, 2018 for Dennis Stilling (Lectric-Farms) a Minor Land Division to split off the hog barns for sale for Ag Use only. And on October 25, 2018 for Ken Hemker, a Variance Request for a Highway set back for the property at N1284 County K to allow for the construction of a garage, porch and kitchen.

d. The Recycling/Transfer Site for the town of Shields has been running well, there has been a few changes in the recycling process and where to put things. As a reminder; the hours of operation are on Saturday 8-2pm and please break down your cardboard and do not throw wires in the recycling or trash. Please take a look at the flyers Fr. Anthony passes out or ask him where things should go when recycling.

e. 2018 Road Report was given by Clerk Johnson for Supervisor Johnson. Crack Sealing/Chip Sealing was done on N Garden Road between Hwy QQ and S. Garden Road.

Crack sealed Barry Road, Middle Road and Vel Road. We deliberately underspent budget in 2018 in order to carry over more money for the 2019 road season. The town board Road Review is on Friday this week. We will prioritize road work for 2019 after that.

5. New Business

a. Discussion took place about the possibility of combining the offices of Clerk and Treasurer into one office of Clerk/Treasurer in April 2021. There are a number of reasons for taking this approach.

b. It would simplify daily operations by reducing redundancies such as keeping two sets of books.

c. Due to on-going training requirements it is difficult to fill either Clerk or Treasurer positions as far as book keeping.

d. It is difficult to find a replacement when needed due to training required and salary paid.

e. By combining the two offices and their respective salaries the compensation becomes more competitive and closer to a fulltime position.

f. The Clerk/Treasurer position requires an annual audit which will add cost.

g. More small towns are combining offices for the above reasons.  

 h. The combination of town offices may be revoked the same way they were combined, by a vote at a proper elector meeting scheduled no later than mid-November. No decision that needs to be made until next year’s annual meeting.

I personally want to thank Sue Nampel for retiring for a day and then coming out of retirement for one more term in office. Thank you for your dedication. I truly appreciate it.

6. Miscellaneous-None to report.

7. Public Comment

a. Clint Stiemke reported he will be putting up a new out building and widening his driveway. The paperwork will be done at DCLR & PD soon.

8. Next year’s meeting date; April 22, 2020 at 7 pm at the Emmet Town Hall.

9. Ed Kileen called for the meeting to be adjourned at 8:15pm and David Kube seconded. Motion Carried. Meeting Adjourned.

Submitted by Clerk

Susan Johnson

Annual Meeting



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Annual Meeting of the Town of Shields

 Will be held at the Emmet Town Hall on Wednesday, April 22, 2020.

W6777 Second Street Road, Watertown, WI.

At 7:00PM,

Susan Johnson-Clerk

The Meeting will be called to order and Postponed to a later date yet to be determined.

April 7, 2020 Election Location and Hours


At the Presidential Preference Vote and Nonpartisan Office and Referendum will be held on Tuesday, April 7, 2020 in the Town of Shields, Dodge County the following polling place locations will be used for the wards indicated:

                           Location                                                                              Wards

Town of Emmet, W6777 Second St. Rd.                                           Ward 1


If you have any questions concerning your polling place, contact the municipal clerk.

                                                  Susan Johnson

                                              N1662 Wood Road


                                           By Appointment Only

All polling places are accessible to elderly and disabled voters.