Town of Shields
Dodge County, Wisconsin
Resolution and Ordinance
to Raise Dog License Tax
Town of Shields,
Dodge County, WI
The Town Board of the Town of Shields, Dodge County, Wisconsin, by this resolution and ordinance, adopted by a majority of the town board on a roll call vote with a quorum present and voting and proper notice having been given, resolves and ordains as follows:
The law requires that all dogs over the age of 5 months be licensed. Pursuant to s. 174.05 (1), Wis. stats., a dog license tax on dogs. The minimum license fee for a neutered or spayed dog is $10 and minimum fee for an unneutered or unspayed dog is $20 to the minimum required under s. 174.05 (3), Wis. stats., within the Town of Shields, Dodge County, Wisconsin, is authorized in the amounts shown in the above paragraph:
The additional tax shall be effective on December 1, 2023.
The town clerk shall properly post or publish this resolution as required under s. 60.80, Wis. stats.
Adopted this 10th day of July, 2023.
Chairman: Neale R Jones
Supervisor: Peter E McFarland
Supervisor: Kyle E Wollitz
Attest: Clerk-Treasurer: Susan Johnson
__3___Aye ___0__Nay __0__Abstain
Published July 18, 2023