October 12, 2015 Agenda

Board Meeting           October 12, 2015        7pm     Emmet Town Hall

Posted:    October 7, 2015


  1. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance
  2. Minutes
  3. Treasurers Report
  4. Pay Monthly Bills
  5. Correspondences;
    1. Conditional Use Permit Application, Dale Bratz Jr.
    2. Minor Land Division, Letter of Intent Form, Dale Bratz Jr.
    3. Minor Land Division, Letter of Intent Form, Sandra Sykes.
    4. Land Use Permit Peter and Cindy McFarland.
  6. Reports
    1. Waterloo & Watertown Rural Fire Dept. monthly reports.
    2. Roads Sealed in September.
    3. 2014-2015 Winter Road Maintenance Balance
  7. Old Business
    1. ATV/UTV Ordinance waiting to hear from Dodge County
  8. New Business
  9. Miscellaneous
    1. Budget Meeting, October 20, 2015 7pm @Clerk’s home
    2. Public Comment-
    3. Next month’s meeting date November 9, 2015, 7 pm at the Emmet Town Hall.