May 14, 2018 Minutes


Board Meeting                                   May 14, 2018                          7pm


Attendance: Chairman Neale Jones, Supervisor Bob Long, Supervisor Ron Johnson, Treasurer Sue Nampel, Clerk Susan Johnson, Assessor P. Joseph Plasil.

  1. The Board meeting was called to order at 7:04pm by Chairman Neale Jones, the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
  2. The Minutes were reviewed by the Town Board, on a motion by Supervisor Long to accept the minutes as read, seconded by Supervisor Johnson. Motion Carried.
  3. The Treasurers Report was read by the Town Treasurer, on a motion by Supervisor Johnson to accept the report as read, and seconded by Supervisor Long. Motion Carried.
  4. The monthly bills were read by Chairman Jones, Supervisor Johnson made a motion to pay monthly bills and Supervisor Long seconded. Motion Carried.
  5. Correspondences;
  6. Dodge County State of WI, sent the yearly Emergency Management for Chairman Jones to sigh to keep us enrolled in the program. Noted by the board.
  7. The WTA sent notice of their new provider for town websites and how to contact them if needed for a fee. Noted by the board.
  8. The Department of Safety and Professional Services sent a letter letting us know that we have no serious injuries to the township for the year 2017. Noted by the board.
  9. Waste Management emailed the clerk of the NEW implementation of CLEAN RECYCLING it comes from when non-recyclable items (contamination) ends up in the recycling dumpsters, they have the potential to turn the entire load into trash, resulting in contamination and additional processing and disposal costs. Under these new terms the Township may be assessed contamination charges of up to $69 per yard. We are asking if you have any questions contact any board member or ask Fr. Anthony at the Transfer Site. Thank you.
  10. Reports;
  11. Waterloo Fire Department sent the April Activity Report, no runs were reported to the Town of Shields. The Watertown Rural Fire Department sent notice of the calls for March; 1 EMS, 1 HAZCON and for April; 1 Fire calls were reported. Noted by the board.
  12. Old Business;
  13. The ATV/UTV Ordinance has been tabled a bit more information needs to be gathered before a final decision is made.
  14. New Business;
  15. Bruce and Stacy Bratz had approached the TOS Planning Commission on April 26, 2018 for their recommendation to the Town Board. The new home would be built on 5 acres at W8081 Wood Road. Sandee Match made a motion to recommend in favor to the town board in favor of the Minor Land Division, Harold Peckham seconded. On a motion by Harold Peckham to recommend to the town board in favor of the Conditional Use Permit and Sandee Match seconded. Motions carried, all were in favor. Tonight the Town Board had a discussion with Bruce Bratz and Dennis Stilling on the applications. After much discussion Supervisor Johnson made a motion to accept both the Minor Land Division and the Conditional Use Permit to DCLR &PD and Supervisor Long seconded. Motion Carried all were in favor.
  16. Salaries and Election Workers pay was brought up at the Annual Meeting. Discussion too place and the increases were discussed per board member. It was good to have public input, this year when the Budget Hearing is held the salaries and election pay will again be discussed and voted on at that time.
  17. Miscellaneous;
  18. The clerk will publish the road bids ad in the newspaper soon, to be opened at the July 9, 2018 Town Board Meeting.
  19. The Town of Emmet will again be doing our 1st cutting.
  20. Public Comment;
  21. Flooding on First Street was discussed when there is heavy down pours it flood the neighbor’s yard from the over flowing ditch. Noted by the board.
  22. Next month’s meeting date CHANGE will be June 18, 2018, at 7 pm at the Emmet Town Hall.

Supervisor Johnson called for the meeting to be adjourned at 8:39pm and Supervisor Long seconded. Motion Carried Meeting Adjourned.

Submitted by Clerk, Susan Johnson


April 24, 2018 Annual Meeting Minutes

Town of Shields Annual Meeting  Minutes    April 24, 2018             7pm


Attendance: Chairman Neale Jones, Supervisor Bob Long, Treasurer Sue Nampel, Clerk Sue Johnson, Assessor P. Joe Plasil, Fr. Anthony, Sylvia & David Kube, Rick Bratz, Bill Blaska, Randy Soldner, Dale Bratz George Schilling, John Liechty.

  1. The Board meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by Chairman Neale Jones, the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
  2. The Annual Meeting Minutes from April 25, 2017 were read by the Town Clerk, on a motion by Fr. Anthony Good to accept the minutes as read, seconded by Rick Bratz. Motion Carried.
  3. The 2017 Annual Report was read line by line by Chairman Jones. Joe Plasil made a motion to accept the 2017 Annual Report and Fr. Anthony seconded. Motion Carried.
  4. Reports;
  5. The Annual Road Side Clean Up was held on April 21, 2017 from 9-11am at the Transfer Site. The weather was cold and there was a wet heavy covering of snow. I know the TOS residents will do the clean up as weather permits. Also a reminder to remove any large rocks from your ditches. Thank You again for taking care of your properties.
  6. The Watertown Rural Fire Department report was given by Chairman Jones. The beginning balance in the account on 01/01/17 was $34,535.56 and ending balance of $46,973.63 on 12/21/17. Chairman Jones also explained the Rural Fire Department collects $500 each year for the up keep of the tanker. Jones also explained the 2018 Fire Contracts between the Townships. In 2018 Shields will pay $39,420.13, Emmet will pay $57,027.01, Milford will pay $26,530.54 and Town of Watertown will pay $81,460.03. Chairman Jones also explained that the Town is putting together an Ordinance to cover some of the runs to the TO-Shields EMS, MVA, HAZCON, to help pay for the rise in the contract every year.
  7. The Plan Commission Report was given by Clerk Johnson. The PC met in April to recommend a new home for Julie & Mark Klusken, in August to recommend Mike Henneberry to Rezone 171 Acres from A-2 to A-1 and in November to recommend Gerald & Jaqueline Tracy a Pet Crematorium at N2082 County Rd. K.
  8. The Recycling/Transfer Site for the town of Shields has been running smoothly. As a reminder; the hours of operation are on Saturday. The dumpsters are not always available for recycling during unscheduled hours PLEASE drop off recyclables during scheduled hours. Putting up camera’s to stop no residents from dropping off after hours was suggested. The board will take under advisement.
  9. 2017Road Report was given by Chairman Jones. Crack Sealing/Chip Sealing was done on N Walton from RR Tracks North and East to Hwy K, Ranch Road, Middle Road between Hwy QQ and Hwy Q. The clerk reminded the board that we overspent the road budget in 2017 and will need to be mindful in 2018’s Road Plan.
  10. New Business ;Chairman Jones reported that the April 9, 2018 meeting held on the ATV/UTV Ordinance discussion went very well. Many opinions’ were expressed in a very professional way. A number of town residents turned out and non-town residents stated either why they were in favor of having some of the roads open to ATV/UTV use, or why they were not in favor for ATV/UTV’S to be allowed on town roads. The clerk had also received many emails and letters from town residents. The board will review and discuss. No final decision was made tonight. A huge Thank You to all who expressed their opinions whether thru email, mail or in attendance tonight.
  11. The Clerk brought up the subject of Town Salaries, it has been at least 8 years since there has been an increase in pay. Discussion too place and the increases were discussed per board member. It was good to have public input, this year when the Budget Hearing is held the salaries and election pay will again be discussed and voted on at that time. Chairman $2500, Clerk $12,000, Treasurer $7500, Supervisors (2) $750 and Assessor $7500 plus PD’s  and mileage.
  12. Miscellaneous; Joe Plasil brought up how nice it is to work with people in the Township. People here are so friendly and polite when he comes around to do his assessment work.
  13. Chairman Jones reported that the Railroad Crossing on Hwy K will be redone and closed the week of May 7, 2018.
  14. Public Comment-none to report.
  15. Next year’s meeting date; April 23, 2019 at 7 pm at the Emmet Town Hall.

Supervisor Long called for the meeting to be adjourned at 8:49pm and Assessor Joe Plasil seconded. Motion Carried Meeting Adjourned.

Submitted by Clerk, Susan Johnson