Annual Board Meeting

Town of Shields Annual Meeting

April 27, 2021 @ 7pm

Held at Emmet Town Hall

            Posted: April 1, 2021


  1. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance
  2. Annual Meeting Minutes from April 23, 2020
  3. 2020 Annual Report
  4. Reports
    1. Roadside Clean Up, April 24, 2021
    1. Watertown Rural Fire Department report
    1. Plan Commission
    1. Recycling Transfer Site
    1. 2020 Road Report
  5. New Business
  6. Miscellaneous
  7. Public Comment
  8. Next year’s meeting date; April 26, 2022, 7 pm at the Emmet Town Hall.

April 12, 2021 Minutes

Board Meeting                                   April 12, 2021                         7pm


Attendance: Chairman Neale Jones, Supervisor Peter McFarland, Supervisor Ron Johnson, Treasurer Sue Nampel, Clerk Susan Johnson, Assessor P. Joseph Plasil.

 1. The Board meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by Chairman Neale Jones, the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

2. The Minutes were reviewed by the Town Board, on a motion by Supervisor Johnson to accept the minutes as read, seconded by Supervisor McFarland. Motion Carried.

3. The Treasurers Report was read by the Town Treasurer, on a motion by Supervisor McFarland to accept the report as read and seconded by Supervisor Johnson. Motion Carried.

4. The monthly bills were read by Clerk Johnson; Supervisor Johnson made a motion to pay monthly bills and Supervisor McFarland seconded. Motion Carried.

5. Correspondents.

a. DCLR & PD sent notice of an approved temporary 41’by 40’ Conex (storage container) with a roof.  At W7961 Marten Road for Matthew Kadinger.

b. DCLR & PD sent notice of an approved new structure home, deck, garage, and driveway. At N301 Vel Road for Thomas Behling.

c. DCLR & PD sent notice of a resurfacing of existing deck and adding a new 16’ by 16’ deck adjacent to existing deck. At N850 Walton Road for Robb and Christine Bender.

d. Dodge County Unit Meeting will be held in person starting April 21, 2021 at the Dodge County Administration Building, Juneau at 7:30pm. The board is invited to attend.

6. Reports.

a. The Watertown Rural Fire Report for February was 1-EMS run to the township. The Waterloo Fire report was not ready at meeting time.

b. Chairman Jones attended by zoom the WTA District Meeting held on March 22, 2021. A three-panel attorney was available. Discussion took place on local road weights, WI Fire /EMS requirements for funding and volunteer recruitment.

c. The 2021 Notices of Assessment have been sent out. “Open Book” meeting will be held on Monday, May 10, 2021 from 5-7pm. This meeting is for answering any questions you have. Please call the clerk to set up a time at 920-261-7154. Board of Review will be held on Monday, May 24, 2021 from 5-7pm. This meeting is to challenge your assessment, you must attend Open Book to be able to attend this meeting. If you did not receive a 2021 Assessment Notice or have any questions, please call Assessor P. Joseph Plasil at 920-261-6006.  

 7. Old Business.

a.  A new Waste Management Service agreement has been put in place for 2021-2024 with a yearly review. We are right now having; 2 single streams recycle dumpsters at a cost of $170 and 3 garbage dumpsters at a cost of $240 plus fuel, environmental RCR, and administration costs totaling $581.01 per month.
b. Dodge County survey and Mapping Specialist sent an email noting that the submitting to the Town of Shields the dedication of NE corner of Section 26-9-14 of Walton Road. Supervisor Johnson made a motion to accept this new proposal for the NE corner of Section 26-9-14 of Walton to be dedicated to the Town of Shields. (Legal Description of the Dedication will follow) this will rescind the 1999 survey map, and Peter McFarland seconded. Motion Carried all were in favor.

8. New Business.

a. Road Bids were discussed and will be tabled until the May 10th Board Meeting.

b. Appointment of Clerk/Treasurer. Chairman Neale R. Jones made a motion to appoint Susan Johnson current Town of Shields Clerk as Clerk/Treasurer for a term of 3 years and a salary to yet be determined. Supervisor Peter McFarland seconded; motion carried all were in Favor. Supervisor Ron Johnson Abstained.

9. Miscellaneous.

a. The Town of Shields Board wanted to recognize Treasurer Sue Nampel for her 14 years of service to the Town Board. Thank You for all you did for the town collecting taxes, issuing dog tags, monthly treasurer reports and keeping up to date with all that came along via the internet and attending all the board meetings. We sure appreciate all that you have done over the years. We hope you and Gary enjoy your retirement. You will be missed.

10. Public Comment-

a. The 15th Annual Roadside Clean Up for the Town of Shields will be held on April 24, 2021 from 8-2pm at the Transfer site. You can stop by and pick up garbage bags, water bottles and a cooking in appreciation for cleaning up the roadside ditches where you live. The Town of Shields does such a nice job every year! Weather permitting come and join the fun!

b. Annual Meeting will be held on April 27, 2021 at 7pm at the Emmet Town Hall.

All are welcome to attend.

11. Next month’s meeting date; May 10, 2021 at 7 pm at the Emmet Town Hall.

Chairman Jones called for the meeting to be adjourned at 8:29pm and Supervisor McFarland seconded. Motion Carried Meeting Adjourned. Sue Nampel commented “Hell Ya”

Respectfully Clerk Susan Johnson