May 10, 2021 Minutes

Board Meeting                                   May 10, 2021                          7pm


Attendance: Chairman Neale Jones, Supervisor Peter McFarland, Supervisor Ron Johnson, Clerk/Treasurer Susan Johnson, Assessor P. Joseph Plasil, Bob Bruha-Scott Construction.

 1. The Board meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by Chairman Neale Jones, the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

2. The Minutes were reviewed by the Town Board, on a motion by Supervisor Johnson to accept the minutes as read, seconded by Supervisor McFarland. Motion Carried.

3. The Treasurers Report was read by the Town Treasurer, on a motion by Supervisor McFarland to accept the report as read and seconded by Supervisor Johnson. Motion Carried.

4. The monthly bills were read by Clerk Johnson; Supervisor Johnson made a motion to pay monthly bills and Supervisor McFarland seconded. Motion Carried.

5. Correspondence.

a. The 2021 Wisconsin Towns Association Convention will be held on Sunday, October 10, 2021 thru Tuesday, October 12, 2021. Noted by the board.

b. Cameron Vorhies the Dodge County Recreation Deputy is in the process of compiling a list of ordinances and laws for ATV/UTV routes in Dodge County.

6. Reports.

a. The Watertown Rural Fire Report for March there were no runs, in April 1-EMS run to the township. The Waterloo Fire report was not available at meeting time.

b. The Shields Township 15th Annual Roadside Cleanup was Saturday, April 24, 2021.

Those who participated were given trash bags, gloves, cookies, and water bottles. It was a beautiful day a little windy and cool, but people came out. Many bags were taken, and all the cookies and water bottles were reported to be gone. A reminder to remove any large rocks from your ditches before the mowing season begins. Thank You again for taking such good care of your properties in the Township!

c. Chairman Jones attended the Dodge County Unit WTA Meeting in Juneau on April 21, 2021 at 7:30pm. Discussion took place on several topics, roads were a highlight of the discussion. Chairman Jones did find out that Hwy K and Hwy Q is not on the county’s list for repair this year.

7. Old Business-None to report.

8. New Business.

a.  The Town had two venders submit road bids for 2021. Fahrner Asphalt Sealers, LLC and Scott Construction, Inc. Discussion took place on cost and which roads should be done this year. Supervisor Johnson made a motion to go with Scott Construction, Inc. and to chip seal Walton Rd. south to Provimi Rd, Ranch Rd CTH Q to End and Barry Road South 19 to Middle Rd.  and Supervisor McFarland seconded. Motion Carried all were in favor.

b. The 2021 Renewal Alcohol Beverage Licenses Applications were mailed out for the town of shields. Both applications were received back by meeting time and will be published on May 18, 19, 20, 2021. Supervisor McFarland made a motion to accept the application for Casesy’s Saloon and Watertown Chapter Izaak Walton League for the year July 1, 2021 thru June 30, 2022, and Supervisor Johnson seconded. Motion carried all were in favor.

9. Miscellaneous.

a. Open Book for review of tax roll was held on May 10, 2021 from 5-7pm. Clerk/Treasurer Johnson and Assessor P. Joseph Plasil were available for discussion.

No residents were present or came to the proceedings.

b. Board of Review of the tax roll will be held on Monday, May 24, 2021 from 5-7pm. If you wish to discuss your taxes, please contact the Assessor or Clerk/Treasurer ahead of the meeting for a time slot.

c. A Special Primary Election will be held on June 15, 2021. Polls will open at 7am-8pm.

10. Public Comment-none to review.

11. Next month’s meeting date; June 14, 2021 at 7 pm at the Emmet Town Hall.

Chairman Jones called for the meeting to be adjourned at 7:36pm and Supervisor Johnson seconded. Motion Carried Meeting Adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted by Clerk/Treasurer Susan Johnson