October 18, 2021 Agenda

Board Meeting            October 18, 2021        7pm     Emmet Town Hall

Posted:   October 6, 2021         


  1. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance
  2. Minutes
  3. Treasurers Report
  4. Pay Monthly Bills
  5. Correspondence.
    1.  Dodge County Unit Meeting, Oct. 20, 2021
  6. Reports
    1. Watertown & Waterloo Fire Dept. monthly reports.
    2.  WTA Convention Report
  7. Old Business
  8. New Business
  1. DCLR & PD sent notice of a Conditional Use Permit Application for a 1-acre nonfarm single family residential lot within the A-1 Prime Agricultural Zoning District. Allen & Shirley Sell would like to sell of 1-Acre of Ag Land from an Active Working Farm Operation into a Single-Family Residence.
  2. DCLR & PD sent notice of a Letter of Intent Notification for a Minor Land Division. Allen & Shirley Sell would like to sell of 1-Acre of Ag Land from an Active Working Farm Operation into a Single-Family Residence.
  1. DCLR & PD sent notice of a Minor Land Division Letter of Intent for Brian Kassube, to divide off 2.5 acres of land with home and buildings on and to leave the rest of the 40 acres as farmland.
  2. DCLR & PD sent notice of a Rezoning Petition for Brian Kassube, to divide 2.5 acres of land with the home and buildings.
  • 2022 Dodge County Stray Animal Contract.
  • 911 Joint Powers Agreement.
  • ATB/UTV Discussion
  • Miscellaneous
  • Public Comment


  1. Next month’s meeting date November 8, 2021, 7 pm at the Emmet Town Hall.

Planning Commission Minutes September 23, 2021

                       Town of Shields

Dodge County, Wisconsin


Planning Commission                         September 23, 2021  


                        Attendance: Chairman Tony Peirick, Shannon O’Gorman, Rachel Schroeder, Ron Johnson, Lee Buescher, Patty Ignarski, Mares Ignarski, Nancy Ignarski, Pam Erdman, Ken Erdman, Nick Ignarski, Brian Kassube, Dale & Dawn Bratz, Dan & Nancy Ignarski, Gary Sell, Stephanie Bratz, Sue Radke.

The September 23, 2021, Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chairman Tony Peirick at 7:00 pm at the Emmet Town Hall. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

  1. The August 26, 2021 Minutes were read by Plan Commission alternate Ron Johnson. Shannon O’Gorman made a motion to accept the minutes as read and Rachel Schroeder seconded. Motion carried all were in favor.
  • Dodge County Land Resources and Parks Department (DCLR & PD) sent notice for a Minor Land Division Letter of Intent Form for Allen and Shirley Sell. Mr. & Mrs. Sell would like to split off one (1) acre of A-1 prime agriculture land on a 35-acre parcel. The intent to sell the property to Dale and Dawn Bratz.  
  • DCLR & PD sent notice of a Conditional Use Permit Application for a 1-acre nonfarm single family residential lot within the A-1 Prime Agricultural Zoning District. Allen & Shirley Sell would like to sell of 1-Acre of Ag Land from an Active Working Farm Operation into a Single-Family Residence. Dale Bratz explained what he is intending to do with the split of one acre is to build a single family residents.
  1. Lee Buescher read a note from Fran Milburn, which states protection of the farmland in the TO-Shields is a priority to her. Lee than read his statement.
    1. Nick Ignarski spoke of behalf of his family and quoted from the TO-Shields Comprehensive Plan about protection farmland also stated the lot the Sell’s are selling is so close to other homes in the area. Could they rethink the location?
    1. Ken and Pam Erdman supported what the Lee, Fran and the Ignargski family presented. Kelsey Erdman who was not present also sent an email to be read at the meeting.
    1. Stephanie Bratz was in support of Dale and Dawn Bratz.
    1. Ron Johnson recited that the request is compliant to Dodge County Land Use codes and the correct paperwork has been filed according to Dodge County’s Permitting process, so the board can only recommend moving forward with the process. Ron then asked why this lot and why 1-acre? Also with everything you have heard here tonight are you willing to re-think your decision on this site. Dale Bratz answered no.

Shannon O’Gorman made a motion to recommend the approval of DCLR & PD Letter of Intent Notification for a Minor Land Division and DCLR & PD Conditional Use Permit Applications, and Rachel Schroeder seconded. Motion Carried. All were in favor.

  •  DCLR & PD sent notice of a Minor Land Division Letter of Intent for Brian Kassube, to divide off 2.5 acres of land with home and buildings on and to leave the rest of the 40 acres as farmland.
  • DCLR & PD sent notice of a Rezoning Petition for Brian Kassube, to divide 2.5 acres of land with the home and buildings.
  1. Brian Kassube explained what he was intending on doing with the property. A letter was also provided by Lois Schmidt in support of Brian Kassube petitions. After a few short

questions Shannon O’Gorman made a motion to recommend DCLR & PD Minor Land Division Letter of Intent and DCLR & PD Rezoning Petition for Brian Kassube and Ron Johnson seconded. Motion Carried. All were in favor.

Shannon O’Gorman made a motion to adjourn the Plan Commission Meeting at 8:**pm and Ron Johnson seconded. Meeting Adjourned. All were in favor.

Respectfully submitted by Ron Johnson

September 13, 2021 Minutes

Board Meeting                                   September 13, 2021                           7pm


Attendance: Chairman Neale Jones, Supervisor Peter McFarland, Clerk-Treasurer Susan Johnson, Assessor P. Joseph Plasil.

 1. The Board meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by Chairman Neale Jones, the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

2. The Minutes were reviewed by the Town Board, on a motion by Supervisor McFarland to accept the minutes as read, seconded by Chairman Jones. Motion Carried.

3. The Treasurers Report was read by the Clerk-Treasurer Johnson, on a motion by Chairman Jones to accept the report as read and seconded by Supervisor McFarland. Motion Carried.

4. The monthly bills were read by Clerk-Treasurer Johnson; Supervisor McFarland made a motion to pay monthly bills and Chairman Jones seconded. Motion Carried.

5. Correspondents.

a. The Wisconsin Demographic Service sent the final population for the Town of Shields is the 566 residents up from 10 residents from last year.

b. The Town of Shields Plan Commission will meet on Sept 23, 2021 at 7pm at the Emmet Town Hall.

c.  We received a Thank you letter from Scott Construction for the road work we had done this year in the township along with a survey card to be filled out.

6. Reports.

a. The Watertown Rural Fire Report were not available at meeting time.

7. Old Business-none to report.

8. New Business

a.  Dodge County Highway Commission sent the 2021-2022 Maintenance Agreement. Chairman Jones made a motion to accept the 2021-2022 Maintenance Agreement that will cost the township $21,487.50, this covers snowplowing, Supervisor McFarland seconded, motion carried all were in favor.

9. Miscellaneous.

a. The October Monthly Board Meeting Date is changed to October 18, 2021, 7pm at the Emmet Town Hall.

10. Public Comment-

a. Brain Kassube presented his applications for a Rezoning Petition and a Minor Land Division for property located at N755 Walton Road. The board discussed that the Plan Commission would have to meet on this on September 23, 2021. Then it would come to the board at the October 18, 2021 Board Meeting.

b. Clerk Johnson also let the board know that the Township was charged and extra $800 in FEES from Waste Management for the month of August and September! That is more than our monthly bill of $586 per month. This is due to people dumping in CONTANIMENTS (such as plastic bags in to recycling, along with stuff that is not recyclable, PLEASE check the list or ask) and the regular waste dumpsters LIDS NOT BEING CLOSED TIGHT!!! If you are going to dump outside of scheduled times, please make sure you CLOSE THE LID TIGHTLY! BREAK DOWN YOU TRASH SO IT FITS IN THE DUMPSTER. DO NOT LEAVE IT UP TO THE PEOPLE WHO TAKE CARE OF THE SITE ON UNSCHEDULED TIMES!!! The Town Board will be installing cameras, and you will be fined soon if this keeps happening.

11. Next month’s meeting date; October 18, 2021 at 7 pm at the Emmet Town Hall.

Supervisor McFarland called for the meeting to be adjourned at 7:41pm and Chairman Jones seconded. Motion Carried Meeting Adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted by Clerk-Treasurer Susan Johnson