Town of Shields
Dodge County, Wisconsin
Town Board May 8, 2023
Attendance: Chairman Neale Jones, Supervisor Peter McFarland, Supervisor Kyle Wollitz, Clerk-Treasurer Susan Johnson Matt Schreiwer, Heather Zoellick, Dennis Stilling, Jeff Schlatter, Jesse Groeler, Dale Hernke, Steve Yohn.
The Board meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Supervisor Peter McFarland, the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
The Minutes were reviewed by the Town Board, on a motion by Supervisor Wollitz to accept the minutes as read, seconded by Supervisor McFarland. Motion Carried.
The Treasurer’s Report was read by the Clerk-Treasurer Johnson, on a motion by Supervisor Wollitz to accept the report as read and seconded by Supervisor McFarland. Motion Carried.
The monthly bills were read by Clerk-Treasurer Johnson; Supervisor Wollitz made a motion to pay monthly bills and Supervisor McFarland seconded. Motion Carried.
a. DCLR & PD and Parks Committee sent notice of the Amendment meeting for the Dodge County Comprehensive Plan. Meeting will be held on May 22, 2023 at 7:30pm First Floor of the Administration Building. The public is invited to attend. Noted by the board.
b. DCLR & PD sent notice of an approved Land Use Permit for McFarlandale Dairy LLC for two barns for the housing of calves required by the DNR instead of the calf hutches, property is located at N302 County Rd K. Noted by the board.
c. DCLR & PD send notice of an approved Land Use Permit for Sean Thomas for a fence. The property is located at W7950 County Rd Q. Noted by the board.
a. Watertown Rural Fire Reports. The Watertown Rural Fire Department for March 2023 was 0-Fire call, 0-EMS calls, 0-MVA & 0-HAZCON. The Waterloo Fire Department report for March was no calls to the Town of Shields. Noted by the board.
b. Dodge County Unit Meeting for officers was attend by Chairman Jones. The speaker was Mike Koles WTA Executive Director is working with Governor Evers on getting more Shared Revenues for towns. Chairman Jones reported it was a good meeting. A new unit chair was installed. The new Dodge County Unit Chairperson is Russell Kottke.
c. The seventeenth Spring Roadside Cleanup was held on Saturday, April22, 2023. The day was a little windy, but the sun did peak out. Residents picked up garbage bags, cookies, and water bottles to help clean up the roadsides in the TO-Shields.
d. The state requirements for Board of Review training have changed this year. The new requirements are only one member of the board needs to be trained but it cannot be the same person in the next year. This year Supervisor Wollitz took the on-line training.
The annual road review was done by the board on April 29, 2023 by the board. All the roads were reviewed, and a list was made. The Advertisement for Bids was published on May 4th, 2023 in the Watertown Daily Times. Chairman Jones will accept the bids and will be opened at the June 12, 2023 regular Board Meeting, 7pm at the Emmet Town Hall.
6. Old Business-none to report.
New Business.
a. Dodge County Land Resources and Parks Department sent notice of an application for a Conditional Use Permit for Dale and Nancy Hernke, under the Land Use Code, to allow for the construction of a single-family residence. The property is located at W7932 Walton Road. Clerk Johnson read the Plan Commission minutes to the board. After a discussion with Dale Hernke about Fire trucks will have access in and out of the long driveway and the Hernkes have owned the property for 19 years. Supervisor McFarland made a motion to accept the application for Dale and Nancy Hernke’s Conditional Use Permit, and Supervisor Wollitz seconded. Motion Carried. All were in favor. Clerk Johnson will email the paperwork up to Dodge County tomorrow.
b. Dodge County Land Resources and Parks Department sent notice of an application for a Conditional Use Permit and a Minor Land Division for Dennis Stilling, under the Land Use Code, to allow for a split off one acre A-2 land with the existing single-family residence. The property is located at W7844 Wood Road. Motion carried. Mr. Stilling explained what the intent was with the ranch home, the septic, it will need to have a deed restriction because of being shared, the well will have an easement as it is shared with the hog barns, along with a shared driveway agreement. This site is not in extraterritorial jurisdiction. Chairman Jones made a motion to accept the application for Lectric Farms, LLC/Dennis Stilling applications for a Conditional Use Permit and Minor Land Division Letter of intent, seconded by Supervisor McFarland. Motion Carried. All were in favor. Clerk Johnson will email the paperwork up to Dodge County tomorrow.
a. The annual Weed Notice will be published by the Watertown Daily Times as a group to help keep costs down for the surrounding townships.
b. Steve Yohn will again be mowing the transfer site this year at a monthly cost of $30.
Public Comment.
a. Dennis Stilling wanted to comment on the great job the board has been doing with some of the drainage problems that have been resolved in the Richwood and the plan for the upkeep of the roads. Thank You to the board.
Next month’s meeting date; June 12, 2023 at 7 pm at the Emmet Town Hall.
Supervisor McFarland called for the meeting to be adjourned at 7:37pm and Supervisor Wollitz seconded. Motion Carried Meeting Adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted by Clerk-Treasurer Susan Johnson