Town of Shields
Dodge County, Wisconsin
Commission July 22, 2021
Chairman Tony Peirick, Shannon O’Gorman, Sandee Macht, Carol Berner, Robb &
Christine Bender, P. Joseph Plasil, Cris Folk, David Helser, Steven Yohn and
Clerk Susan Johnson.
- The July 22, 2021,
Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chairman Tony Peirick at 7:02pm
at the Emmet Town Hall.
- The June 24, 2021
Minutes were read by clerk Susan Johnson. Sandee Macht made a motion to accept
the minutes as read and Shannon O’Gorman seconded. Motion carried all were in
- Dodge County Land
Resources and Parks Department sent notice of an application of McFarlandale
Dairy LLC for a Conditional Use Permit under the Land Use Code, Dodge County,
to allow the expansion of an animal confinement facility within the A-1 Prime
Agricultural Zoning District with a Maximum 1589 animal units on this site. The
property is in part of the NE ¼ of the SE ¼ and part of the SE ¼ of the NE ¼,
Section 36, Town of Shields, the site address being N302 County Road K.
- Chairman Peirick began
by asking Robb & Christine to explain the Conditional Use Permit. The plan
is to increase approximately 250 units (cows), according to the DC units code. Robb
further explained the manure management code and nutrient management plan are
- to code and are
in place. Cris Folk had concerns and asked the McFarland’s to explain the total
number of units and discussion took place to clarify the number of units. Cris also
asked if they had enough acres to accommodate the manure and smell the extra
spreading would have. Robb explained the
manure pit can handle the added manure and the spreading will continue as it
has in the past with an average of 14 days per year. The DNR has a plan on how
much manure can be put on every acre and they test the soil regularly to make
sure they are complying. It is very strict not to over saturate the land. The
question of smell was answered “McFarlandale LLC” is not a huge corporation,
like the Crave Farms or other larger farmers in the Sun Prairie area who have
to cut down
on the smell. As of now McFarlandale does not have digesters to help with the smell,
it is a possibility for the future. After
much discussion and a letter to the clerk from residents supporting McFarlandale
as good neighbors and tax benefits to the Township. Shannon O’Gorman made a
motion to accept the McFarlandale Dairy LLC for a Conditional Use Permit and
Sandee Macht seconded. Motion Carried. All were in favor.
- Shannon O’Gorman
made a motion to adjourn the Plan Commission Meeting at 8:19pm and Sandee Macht
seconded. Meeting Adjourned. All were in favor.
submitted by Susan Johnson