Planning Commission December 19th Agenda

The Town of Shields and Plan Commission
Thursday December 19th
At the Emmet Town Hall
W6777 Second Street
Watertown, WI


1. Attendance
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Minutes

4. New Business

a. DCLR & PD sent notice of Rick Abendroth agent for Triple R Farms Real Estate Holdings at N363 Hubbleton Road Waterloo WI is applying for a Minor Land Division Letter of Intent for the creation of an estimated 1-acre lot for a single family residence.

5. Adjourn

Planning Commission Agenda for Tuesday July 23rd

The Town of Shields and Plan Commission

Will meet on

Tuesday July 23rd 2024
At the Emmet Town Hall
W6777 Second Street
Watertown, WI


  1. Attendance
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Minutes
  • New Business
  1. DCLR & PD sent Letter of Intent form for Minor Land Division for Dennis Stilling agent for Lectric Farms LLC site address being W7864, W7979 and W8018 Wood Rd. Watertown WI  for the creation of a 3.2 acre nonfarm single family residence lot. 
  2. DCLR & PD sent a Conditional Use Permit Notification for Dennis Stilling agent for Lectric Farms LLC site address being W7864, W7979, and W8018 Wood Rd. Watertown WI for a creation of an approximate 3.2-acre non-farm single family residence lot. 
  • Adjourn

Planning Commission Meeting Minutes from June 27th 2024


                                Attendance: Chairman Tony Peirick, Shannon O’Gorman, Sandee Macht, Jeff Kluslow, Joe Plasil, Robb Bender, Irene Blanke, Todd and Kandace Blank, and Clerk-Treasure Julie Klusken. 

  1. The June 27th 2024, Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chairman Tony Peirick at 7:00pm at the Emmet Town Hall.
  • The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
  • The March 28th 2024 minutes were reviewed by the board. Jeff Kluslow made a motion to accept the minutes as reviewed and Shannon O’Gorman seconded. Motion carried all were in favor.
  • Dodge County Land Resources and Parks Department sent notice of an application for a Conditional Use Permit for Robb Bender/ McFarlandale Dairy LLC located at N302 Cty Rd K Watertown WI. 53098 to install a manure pit/ waste storage facility.  It was noted that this permit has already been approved by Dodge County on Monday June 24th meeting.  Board discussed the permit and Shannon O’Gorman made a motion to approve permit and Sandee Macht seconded the motions.  Motion Carried all in favor. 
  •  Dodge County Land Resources and Parks Department sent a Letter of Rezoning notification for Todd and Kandace Blank at N886 Barry Road to rezone 4.5 acres of land to rezone from A-1 Prime Agriculture to A-2 General Agriculture land for a single-family residence.  After board discussion with Kandace and Todd Blanke on the reasoning for the request, Shannon O’Gorman made a motion to approve request if all 16 acres are rezoned to A-2 General Agricultural and with the agreement that this would be only family would be using the land, and Sandee Macht seconded motion.  Motion carried all in favor.  Irene Blanke provided some concern with use of outdoor wood burner due to the smoke that spreads to her property and concern for her animals and workers.  Irene Blanke noted concern that another outdoor wood burner would cause more smoke to her farm.  After discussion with Irene Blanke and Kandace and Todd Blank it was reported that the new home would not be installing an outdoor wood burner at that location.  
  • Dodge County Land Resources and Parks Department sent a letter of Intent Notification of a Minor Land Division for Todd and Kandace Blank at N886 Barry Road to allow for a single-family residence.   After discussion with Kandace and Todd Blank, Shannon O’Gorman made a motion to approve request with the exception that this split is for family use only, and Jeff Kluslow seconded the motion.  Motion carried all in favor.
  • The Plan Commission meeting was called for adjournment at 7:30pm by Shannon O’Gorman and Jeff Kluslow seconded. Motion Carried all were in favor.

Respectfully submitted by Julie Klusken

Planning Commission Meeting June 27th 2024 Agenda

Town of Shields Dodge County, Wisconsin


Planning Commission Board     Agenda for :         June 27th 7PM

_____________________Posted: June 18, 2024__________________

The Town of Shields and Plan Commission

Meeting date and time:

June 27th, 2024 at 7 pm

At the Emmet Town Hall

W6777 Second Street

Watertown, WI


  1. Attendance
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Minutes
  • New Business
  1. DCLR & PD sent notice of a Conditional Use Permit for Robb Bender/ McFarlandale Dairy LLC located at N302 Cty Rd K Watertown WI. 53098 to install a manure pit/waste storage. 
  2. DCLR & PD sent a Letter of Intent Notification of a Minor Land Division for Todd and Kandace Blank at N886 Barry Road to allow for a single-family residence.
  1. DCLR&P Dept. sent a Letter of Rezoning Notification for Todd and Kandace Bland at N886 Barry Road to rezone 4.5 acres of land to rezone from A-1 Prime Agriculture to A-2 General Agriculture land for a single-family residence. 
  2. Adjourn

Plan Commission Minutes

Town of Shields

Dodge County, Wisconsin


Planning Commission                         July 22, 2021  


                        Attendance: Chairman Tony Peirick, Shannon O’Gorman, Sandee Macht, Carol Berner, Robb & Christine Bender, P. Joseph Plasil, Cris Folk, David Helser, Steven Yohn and Clerk Susan Johnson.

  1. The July 22, 2021, Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chairman Tony Peirick at 7:02pm at the Emmet Town Hall.
  • The June 24, 2021 Minutes were read by clerk Susan Johnson. Sandee Macht made a motion to accept the minutes as read and Shannon O’Gorman seconded. Motion carried all were in favor.
  • Dodge County Land Resources and Parks Department sent notice of an application of McFarlandale Dairy LLC for a Conditional Use Permit under the Land Use Code, Dodge County, to allow the expansion of an animal confinement facility within the A-1 Prime Agricultural Zoning District with a Maximum 1589 animal units on this site. The property is in part of the NE ¼ of the SE ¼ and part of the SE ¼ of the NE ¼, Section 36, Town of Shields, the site address being N302 County Road K.
  • Chairman Peirick began by asking Robb & Christine to explain the Conditional Use Permit. The plan is to increase approximately 250 units (cows), according to the DC units code. Robb further explained the manure management code and nutrient management plan are
  • to code and are in place. Cris Folk had concerns and asked the McFarland’s to explain the total number of units and discussion took place to clarify the number of units. Cris also asked if they had enough acres to accommodate the manure and smell the extra spreading would have.  Robb explained the manure pit can handle the added manure and the spreading will continue as it has in the past with an average of 14 days per year. The DNR has a plan on how much manure can be put on every acre and they test the soil regularly to make sure they are complying. It is very strict not to over saturate the land. The question of smell was answered “McFarlandale LLC” is not a huge corporation, like the Crave Farms or other larger farmers in the Sun Prairie area who have digesters

to cut down on the smell. As of now McFarlandale does not have digesters to help with the smell, it is a possibility for the future.  After much discussion and a letter to the clerk from residents supporting McFarlandale as good neighbors and tax benefits to the Township. Shannon O’Gorman made a motion to accept the McFarlandale Dairy LLC for a Conditional Use Permit and Sandee Macht seconded. Motion Carried. All were in favor.

  • Shannon O’Gorman made a motion to adjourn the Plan Commission Meeting at 8:19pm and Sandee Macht seconded. Meeting Adjourned. All were in favor.

            Respectfully submitted by Susan Johnson

July 26, 2018 Plan Commission Minutes

Town Of Shields

Dodge County, Wisconsin


Planning Commission                                    July 26, 2018 




Attendance: Chairman Tony Peirick, Shannon O’Gorman, Josh and             Sandee Macht, Peter Mc Farland, Harold Peckham, Ron Johnson, Dennis                      Stilling, Susan Johnson-Clerk.

  1. The July 26, 2018 Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Tony Peirick at 7:03pm @ the Clerk’s home.
  1. The minutes from the Public Hearing Plan Commission on April 26, 2018 were read by the clerk. Sandee Macht made a motion to accept the minutes as read and Ron Johnson seconded. Motion Carried. A spelling correction was made.
  2. A Minor Land Division Letter of Intent was submitted to Dodge County Land Resources and Parks Department (DCLR & PD). Dennis Stilling Lectric Farms is looking to split off the hog barns for sale for Agricultural Use Only. After much discussion Ron Johnson made a motion to recommend to the town board that the Minor Land Division should go thru, and Shannon O’Gorman seconded. Motion was Carried all were in favor.
  3. The Clerk reported that there is a Partisan Primary to be held on August 14, 2018. Polls open at 7am and close at 8pm.
  4. Ron Johnson called for the meeting to be adjourned at 7:10pm and Shannon O’Gorman seconded. Meeting adjourned

July 26, 2018 Plan Commission Agenda

Town Of Shields, Dodge County, Wisconsin


Planning Commission            Board             July 26, 2018

_____________________Posted: July 16, 2018__________________


The Town of Shields and Plan Commission

Will meet on

July 26, 2018

7 pm

At Clerks Home

N1662 Wood Road




  •  1. Attendance
  • Old Business
  • New Business
  • Minor Land Division, Dennis Stilling, Lectric Farms
  •  Miscellaneous
    • August 14, 2018, Election
    • Public Comment
    • Adjourn

Planning Commission April 26, 2018 Minutes

Town Of Shields

Dodge County, Wisconsin


Planning Commission                                    April 26, 2018




Attendance: Chairman Tony Peirick, Shannon O’Gorman, Josh and Sandee Macht, Peter Mc Farland, Harold Peckham, Bruce and Staci Bratz, Susan Johnson-Clerk.

  1. The April 28, 2018 Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Tony Peirick at 7:00pm @ the Clerk’s home.
  2. The minutes from the Public Hearing Plan Commission on March 22, 2018 were read by the clerk. Harold Peckham made a motion to accept the minutes as read and Shannon O’Gorman seconded. Motion Carried.
  3. New Business; DCLR & PD sent notice for a Minor Land Division and Conditional Use Permit Applications for Bruce and Staci Bratz under the Land Use Code, Dodge County, WI. To allow for creation of a 5-acre nonfarm single family residential lot. Being a part of the SW1/4 of the Southwest Quarter of Section12, Town 9 North Range 14 East, Town of Shields, Dodge County, WI. Site address is W8081 Wood Road. After discussion and review of the map. Sandee Match made a motion to recommend in favor the Minor Land Division to the Town Board on May 14, 2018 and Harold Peckham second. Motion Carried all were in Favor. On the Conditional Use Permit Harold Peckham made a motion to recommend in favor of the Conditional Use Permit to Town Board on May 14, 2018 and Sandee Macht seconded. Motion Carried all were in favor.
  4. Old Business-None to report.
  5. Sandee Macht called for the meeting to be adjourned at 7:18m and Harold Peckham seconded. Meeting adjourned
  6. Submitted by clerk Susan Johnson

March 22, 2018 Plan Commission Meeting Minutes

Town Of Shields Dodge County, Wisconsin

Planning Commission                                    March 22, 2017


Attendance: Chairman Tony Peirick, Harold Peckham, Ron Johnson,  Clerk Susan Johnson, Neale Jones.

The March 22, 2018 Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Tony Peirick at 7:16pm @ the Clerk’s home.

  1. There was no old business to review since the New Year.
  2. New Business:  DCLR & PD sent notice for a Minor Land Division and Conditional Use Permit Application of Franklin Lehman, agent for Sandra Sykes, under the Land Use Code, Dodge County, WI to allow for the creation of an approximate 3-acre nonfarm single family residential lot within the A-1 Prime Agricultural Zoning District. The property is located in the part of the SW ¼ of the NW ¼, Section 35, Town of Shields, the site address being N358 Barry Road, Watertown, WI 53098. Discussion and review of the Certified Survey Map and land maps took place. Ron Johnson made a motion to recommend the Minor Land Division and Conditional Use Permit Application for Sandra Sykes, Harold Peckham seconded. All were in favor.
  3. Miscellaneous
  4. April 3, 2018 Spring Election
  5. April 9, 2018 Monthly Board Meeting
  6. April 21, 2018 Roadside Clean Up TOS
  7. April 24, 2018 Annual Meeting
  8. Public Comment-None
  9. Harold Peckham called for the meeting to be adjourned at 7:58pm and Ron Johnson seconded, meeting adjourned.

Plan Commission Mtg March 22, 2018 Agenda

Town Of Shields

Dodge County, Wisconsin

Planning Commission            Board             March 22, 2018

The Town of Shields and Plan Commission Will meet on March 22, 2018  7 pm

At Clerks Home N1662 Wood Road

Posted March 7, 2018


  1. Attendance
  2. Old Business
  3. New Business
  4. Sandra Sykes- Minor Land Division & Conditional Use Permit
  5.  Miscellaneous
    1. April 3, 2018 Spring Election
    2. April 9, 2018 Monthly Board Meeting
    3. April 21, 2018 Spring Cleanup TOS
    4. April 24, 2018 Annual Meeting
  1. Public Comment
  2. Adjourn