December 14, 2015 Minutes

Board Meeting                                   December 14, 2015                            7pm


Attendance: Chairman Neale Jones, Supervisor Ron Johnson, Supervisor Long, Treasurer Sue Nampel, Clerk Sue Johnson.

  1. The Board meeting was called to order at 7:04pm by Chairman Neale Jones, the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
  2. The Minutes were reviewed by the Town Board, on a motion by Supervisor Long to accept the minutes as reviewed, seconded by Supervisor Johnson. Motion Carried.
  3. The Treasurers Report was read by the Town Treasurer, on a motion by Supervisor Johnson to accept the report as read, and seconded by Supervisor Long. Motion Carried.
  4. The monthly bills were read by Clerk Johnson, Supervisor Johnson made a motion to pay monthly bills and Supervisor Long seconded. Motion Carried.
  5. Correspondences;
    1. UW Extension sent notice of the Wis Line Teleconference Series for Winter/Spring 2016. Noted by the board.
    2. Nate Olson Senior Planner from DCLR&PD sent a letter to remind the Town Board and Plan Commission Members that he is a resource that can be used for subjects to re-evaluating plan commission responsibilities, research new/changing laws, review of county/town land use regulations, review of state programs affecting towns, methods to increase intergovernmental cooperation, etc. Noted by the board.
  6. Reports;
    1. Waterloo & Watertown Rural Fire reports were not ready at meeting time.
  7. Old Business;
    1. The Town of Shields Board is still waiting to hear Dodge County’s recommendation for the ATV/UTV Ordinance.
  8. New Business;
    1. The Watertown Fire Department sent notice of the 2016 Contract for Fire & EMS for coverage to the township, the cost for 2016 will be $32,082.58. After discussion Supervisor Johnson made a motion to accept the contract for 2016 at $32,082.58 and Supervisor Long seconded. Motion Carried. All in Favor.
  9. Miscellaneous;
    1. Each odd year of an Election cycle the Town Board appoints Election Inspectors for the 2016-2017 Election cycle. This cycle the Town Board appoints; Chief Inspectors-Rosemarie Ulmer, Irene Miller, Frances Milburn, Betty May & Susan Kileen. Election Inspectors-Sue Nampel, Carol Burner & Mary McFarland. Please contact the clerk if you are interested in working extra help is always a need.
  10. Public Comment-none to report.
  1. Next month’s meeting date; TUESDAY, January 12, 2016 at 7 pm at the Emmet Town Hall.

Supervisor Long called for the meeting to be adjourned at 7:45pm and Supervisor Johnson seconded. Motion Carried Meeting Adjourned.

Submitted by Clerk-Susan Johnson