Budget Hearing & Special Meeting November 13, 2017

November 13, 2017               8:03 pm

 Budget Hearing & Special Town Meeting Town of Shields


Attendance:  Chairman Neale Jones, Supervisor Bob Long, Treasurer Sue Nampel, Clerk Susan Johnson, Sandee Macht, Josh Macht, Ed T Kileen.

The Budget Hearing was called to order at 8:03 pm by Chairman Neale Jones. Discussion took place on the budget preparation. Chairman Jones read the proposed budget and  discussion took place. Ed Kileen made a motion to accept the2018 Budget as discussed, seconded by Supervisor Johnson. Motion carried. (7) In Favor.

  1. The Special Town Meeting of Electors, Chairman Jones asked for a motion to adopt the 2018 tax levy of $147,173 which is a +1.6% increase from last year. Supervisor Long made a motion to accept the Town of Shields Levy, seconded by Ed Kileen. Motion Carried. (7) In Favor.

Chairman Jones made a motion to adjourn the Budget Hearing & Special Town Meeting at 8:26pm, Supervisor Johnson seconded. Motion Carried. Meeting Adjourned.

Submitted by Clerk

Susan Johnson

November 13, 2017 Minutes


Board Meeting                                   November 13, 2017                           7pm


Attendance: Chairman Neale Jones, Supervisor Bob Long, Supervisor Ron Johnson, Treasurer Sue Nampel, Clerk Susan Johnson, Sandee Macht, Josh Macht, Ed T Kileen.

  1. The Board meeting was called to order at 7:01pm by Chairman Neale Jones, the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
  2. The Minutes were read by Supervisor Johnson, on a motion by Supervisor Long to accept the minutes as read, seconded by Supervisor Johnson. Motion Carried.
  3. The Treasurers Report was read by the Town Treasurer, on a motion by Supervisor Johnson to accept the report as read, and seconded by Supervisor Long. Motion Carried.
  4. The monthly bills were read by Chairman Jones, Supervisor Long made a motion to pay monthly bills and Supervisor Johnson seconded. Motion Carried.
  5. Correspondences;
  6. The Division of Intergovernmental Relations sent notice of the final estimate of the January 1, 2017 Population for the Town of Shields at 563. Noted by the board.
  1. A Public Hearing will be held on November 21, 2017, to gather public input on a proposed amendment to the “City of Watertown Comprehensive Plan.” The Comprehensive Plan sets the policy for the growth, development, and preservation of the city.
  2. Rural Mutual sent information for policyholders of a new and innovative service for our workers’ compensation policyholders. Noted by the board.
  3. Dodge County Highway Commission sent notice of the required bridge inspection for 2018 in the Town of Shields. The Clerk will write a letter to confirm that they again will do the Towns bridge inspection. Supervisor Long made a motion to go with DC Highway Commission to coordinate the 2018 Bridge Inspection for the Town of Shields, seconded by Supervisor Johnson. Motion Carried all in favor.
  1. Reports;
  2. Waterloo Fire Department sent the September and October 2017 Activity Report, no runs were reported to the Town of Shields. The Watertown Rural Fire Department reported; August 2017 with 1 EMS, September 2017 with 1 EMS and October 2017 2 EMS and 1 MVA. Noted by the board.
  3. DC Highway Commission sent notice of a meeting on October 20, 2017 at the traing room of the Highway Department Vehicle Storage Building to discuss the 2018-2019 Local Road Improvement Program. Noted by the board.
  4. Amendments were made to the Dodge County Future Land Use Map and the Dodge County Farmland Preservation Plan Map on October 17, 2017. To view the changes you can go to: http://www.co.dodge.wi.gov/government/departments-e-m/land-resorces-and-parks.
  5. Old Business-None to report.
  6. New Business;
  7. The Dodge County Humane Society 2018 Animal Contract was sent, after reviewing by the board. Supervisor Johnson made a motion to go with the contract which is a lump sum of $1,100 and covers up to 5 domestic stray animals. Animals in excess of 5 will be charged $250/animal, and Supervisor Long seconded. Motion Carried all were in favor.
  8. DCLR & PD sent notice for Gerald & Jaqueline Tracy on N2082 County Road K. A request to rezone approximately 40-acres of land from the A-1 Prime Agricultural Zoning District to the A-2 General Agricultural Zoning District and has submitted an application for a Conditional Use Permit under the Land Use Code to allow the establishment of a Pet Crematorium on this site. The Plan Commission will meet on November 30, 2017 at 7pm to discuss and make a recommendation to the Town Board on December 8, 2017.
  9. Miscellaneous-none to report.
  10. Public Comment-none to report.
  11. Next month’s meeting date; December 8, 2017 at 4 pm at the Emmet Town Hall.

Chairman Jones called for the meeting to be adjourned at 8:32pm and Supervisor Johnson seconded. Motion Carried Meeting Adjourned.

Submitted by Clerk

Susan Johnson