Town of Shields Annual Meeting April 25, 2017 7pm
Attendance: Chairman Neale Jones, Supervisor Bob Long, Supervisor Ron Johnson, Assessor P. Joe Plasil, Fr. Anthony Good, George Schilling, John & Rosemarie Ulmer, Kathy Kassube, Betty May, Dave & Sylvia Kube, Charmaine Plasil, Jack & Irene Miller, Kevin Kaufman.
- The Board meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by Chairman Neale Jones, the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
- The Annual Meeting Minutes from April 22, 2016 were read by the Chairman Jones, on a motion by Joe Plasil to accept the minutes as read, seconded by Rosemarie Ulmer. Motion Carried.
- The 2016 Annual Report was read line by line by Supervisor Johnson. Fr. Anthony Good made a motion to accept the 2016 Annual Report and Charmaine Plasil seconded. Motion Carried.
- Reports;The Annual Road Side Clean Up was held on April 26, 2016 from 9-11am at the Transfer Site. Fr. Anthony gave the report of having 45-50 people sign up but actually around 80 people participated. Also a reminder to make items small enough to fit in the dumpsters some pieces of cardboard & wood are large and stick out and take up unneeded room please break them down. Thank You again for taking care of your properties and keeping the Town of Shields clean.
- The Watertown Rural Fire Department report was given by Chairman Jones. The ending balance in the account on 12/13/16 was $37,227.84. The regular checking balance began at $4,128.22 and ended at $3,929.00. Money Market began at $14,530.45 and ended at $12,036.71, and the CD started at $18,569.17 and ended at $18,569.85. Chairman Jones then explained between the four townships, Emmet, Milford, Shields and Watertown how they keep track of the runs by Fire, EMS, MVA HAZCON reports and how each year it is broken down. He also explained how sometimes each run is classified under two runs depending upon what type of accident it is. And then gave each breakdown per township in each category.
- The Plan Commission Report was given by Supervisor Bob Long. The Comprehensive Plan for the Plan Commission is up to date until 2026, this is an every year ten year process to review any changes within the community. This has been a quiet year for building besides the updating of the PC Book.
- The Recycling/Transfer Site for the town of Shields has been running smoothly. As a reminder; the hours of operation are on Saturday. The dumpsters are not alwaysavailable for recycling during unscheduled hours PLEASE drop off recyclables during scheduled hours it at all possible.
- The 2016 Road Report was given by Supervisor Ron Johnson; Chip Seal was done on Provimi Road from Rich Road (East) to the Town Line, (South) Walton Road from Provimi (South) Hwy 19, (North) Walton Road, Hwy Q (South) to Long Road, Garden Road at the tee (North) to the End, (North) Walton Road at (NW) Corner to Bridge. This year we under-spent the budget a bit so hopefully we can spend a little more next year.
- New Business; ATV/UTV Ordinance has been put on hold by Dodge County they are looking into the State Ordinance. To date there are 4-5 Townships that have written their own Ordinance, they do have to inforce their own Ordinances. So we have just put everything on hold until more information is gathered. And we would want to have some input by the TO-Shields residents.
- Miscellaneous; Some residents have been asking about curbside pick-up in township. The clerk gathered some information and Supervisor Johnson put together the numbers. Right now we use the Transfer Site on a weekly/yearly basis. Solid Waste Disposal (Waste Management) 2016 cost was $7,225, Site Attendant with social security 2016 was $6158 and Site Maintenance was $881 totaling to $14,369. Advanced Disposal quoted, number of residents, stops, mileage and bins; recycling & garbage plus fees was $41,534. Waste Management same requirements quoted $61,064. Needless to say unless there is a big push our tax bills to increase Fr. Anthony’s job is safe for now. If you would like to have your trash & recycles picked up on an individual basis you can call WM Jason Johnson and he will quote you as an individual. You can call the clerk for his number.
- The Clerk has been doing some comparison salaries for the town board. It was decided to table the discussion until the Annual Meeting in April 2019.
- Public Comment-None to report
- Next month’s meeting date; April 24, 2018 at 7 pm at the Emmet Town Hall. called for the meeting to be adjourned at 8:35 pm and. Motion Carried Meeting Adjourned.
Submitted by Clerk-(from the recording)
Susan Johnson