June 18, 2018 Minutes

Board Meeting                                   June 18, 2018                         7pm


Attendance: Chairman Neale Jones, Supervisor Bob Long,  Treasurer Sue Nampel, Clerk Susan Johnson, Bob Bruha-Scott Construction, Chris Blue & John Taylor-Fahrner Asphalt.

  1. The Board meeting was called to order at 7:02pm by Chairman Neale Jones, the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
  2. The Minutes were reviewed by the Town Board, on a motion by Supervisor Long to accept the minutes as read, seconded by Chairman Jones. Motion Carried.
  3. The Treasurers Report was read by the Town Treasurer, on a motion by Chairman Jones to accept the report as read, and seconded by Supervisor Long. Motion Carried.
  4. The monthly bills were read by Clerk Johnson, Chairman Jones made a motion to pay monthly bills and Supervisor Long seconded. Motion Carried.
  5. Correspondences-None to report.
  6. Reports;
  7. The Watertown Rural Fire Department report was presented by Chairman Jones, the TOS had 2 EMS runs for the month of May. The Waterloo Fire Department report was presented by the clerk, there were no runs to the township.
  8. Old Business;
  9. ATV/UTV no new discussion.
  10. New Business;
  11. The Township received three (3) Bids this year for the annual road work project. The companies bidding were Fahrner Asphalt Sealers, Scott Construction, Inc. and Slurry Surfacing Specialists Stuck & Irwin Paving, Inc. After reading each of the road bids, discussion back and forth took place. Supervisor Long made a motion to accept the Scott Construction, Inc. bid of SINGLE SEAL OVER HARD SURFACE WITH QUARTZ CHIPS TO GARDEN ROAD (CTH QQ TO END) – $16,130.00 AND ASPHALT WEDGING – $85.OO (300 TON MINIMUM) and Chairman Jones seconded the motion. Motion Carried. All were in favor.
  12. The Town of Shields has received application for the 2018-2019 Liquor Licenses. Supervisor Long made a motion to accept the applications from the Watertown Chapter Izaak Walton League and Casey’s Saloon for renewal and Chairman Jones seconded. Motion Carried. All were in favor.
  13. Miscellaneous- None to report.
  14. Public Comment-None to report.
  15. Next month’s meeting date; July 9, 2018 at 7 pm at the Emmet Town Hall.

Supervisor Long called for the meeting to be adjourned at 7:56pm and Chairman Jones seconded. Motion Carried Meeting Adjourned.

Submitted by Clerk

Susan Johnson