July 13, 2020 Annual Meeting Minutes

            Town of Shields Annual Meeting      July 13, 2020               7:30pm

Minutes (Unapproved)

Attendance: Chairman Neale Jones, Supervisor Peter McFarland, Supervisor Ron Johnson, Treasurer Sue Nampel, Clerk Sue Johnson, Assessor P. Joe Plasil, Dean & Kristi Kassube, Kathy Kassube.

 1. The Board meeting was called to order at 7:45pm by Chairman Neale Jones, at the Emmet Town Hall, following the monthly board meeting.

2. The Annual Meeting Minutes from April 23, 2019 were reviewed by all present, a motion by Joe P. Plasil to accept the minutes as read, seconded by Peter McFarland. Motion Carried.

3. The 2019 Annual Report was read line by line by Supervisor Johnson. Dean Kassube made a motion to accept the 2019 Annual Report and Kathy Kassube seconded. Motion Carried.

4. Reports.

a. The Annual Roadside Clean Up was to be held on April 27, 2019 due to the rain and Corvid 19 it did not happen. We do wish to Thank You again for taking care of your own properties currently.

b. The Watertown Rural Fire Department report was given by Chairman Jones. Chief Craig Biefeld asked the board to consider replacing the International Tanker pumper as it is 25 years old. There is again discussion towards lowering the yearly Fire & EMS Agreement with the City.  Town of Emmet Chairman Bill Nass researched the amount of responses to the townships, compared to the amount of responses to the city. The towns only have 5% of the responses, however the towns are paying 12% of the City of Watertown’s Fire Budget.

c. The Plan Commission Report was given by Clerk Johnson. The Plan Commission met three times this year so far. Reports have been posted, emailed or on the Town of Shields, Dodge County website.

d. The Recycling/Transfer Site for the Town of Shields REMINDER, the hours of operation are on Saturday 8am-2pm. PLEASE drop off recyclables during scheduled hours. The township has been fined for not having lids closed and garbage on the outside of dumpsters. The board will also be looking into putting up cameras’ and a motion sensor light to deter nonresidents from using the dumpsters.

e. 2019 Road Report was given by Supervisor Ron Johnson. Seal coating was done on Quarry Road (N Walton Rd to Rich Rd), First Street & Link Street. Crack filling was done on Barry Rd (Middle Rd to Long Rd) and S. Walton Rd (Hwy 19 to Provimi Rd).           

New Business.

a. Last year at the Annual Meeting it was brought to the Electors, information about combining the clerk and treasurers’ position in 2021. Discussion took place about the clerk’s and treasurer’s position into one and combining their respective compensation. Per State Law an Ordinance must be place at a meeting of the Electors and a Referendum held. The Clerk/Treasurer position requires an annual audit which could cost between $4000-$6000 for a town. More small towns are combining offices all over the state.  Chairman Jones called for a motion. Dean Kassube made a motion to accept the proposal of combining the clerk and treasurers’ position and for it to be an appointed position as Clerk/Treasurer with salary per discretion of the board, and Kristi Kassube seconded. Motion carried all were in favor. 9-Yes,

0-No, 0-Abstain.

b.  Ordinance No.2020-01 Combining Clerk-Treasurer by Appointment

6. Miscellaneous.

a. August 11, 2020 is the Partisan Primary Election and November 3, 2020 is the General Election. The polls open at 7am and close at 8pm. To get an absentee ballot please go to myvote.gov and the clerk will mail you the ballot.

7. Public Comment-None to report.

8. Next year’s Annual Meeting will be held on April 20, 2020 at 7 pm at the Emmet Town Hall. Sue Nampel called for the meeting to be adjourned at 8:48pm and Joe P Plasil seconded. Motion Carried Meeting Adjourned.

Respectfully Clerk

Susan Johnson