October 12, 2020 Agenda

Board Meeting            October 12, 2020        7pm     Emmet Town Hall

Posted:   October 6, 2020         


  1. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance
  2. Minutes
  3. Treasurers Report
  4. Pay Monthly Bills
  5. Correspondences.
  6. Reports
    1. Watertown & Waterloo Fire Dept. monthly reports.
  7. Old Business
  8. New Business
    1. Dodge County Humane Society 2021 Contract.
    1. Dodge County Highway Commission Maintenance Agreement.
  9. Miscellaneous
    1. In-Person Absentee Voting begins October 20, 2020, contact Clerk at 920-261-7154 if you would like to vote In-Person.
    1. November 3, 2020 Election Polls open at 7am close at 8pm.j
  10. Public Comment


  1. Next month’s meeting date November 9, 2020, 7 pm at the Emmet Town Hall.


November 3, 2020

Any qualified elector who is unable or unwilling to appear at the polling place on Election Day may request to vote an absentee ballot.  A qualified elector is any U.S. citizen, who will be 18 years of age or older on Election Day, who has resided in the ward or municipality where he or she wishes to vote at least 28 consecutive days before the election.  The elector must also be registered in order to receive an absentee ballot.  Proof of identification must be provided before an absentee ballot may be issued.


Contact your Municipal Clerk and request that an application for an absentee ballot be sent to you for the election.  You may also submit a written request in the form of a letter or you may apply for an absentee ballot online at MyVote.wi.gov.  Your written request must list your voting address within the municipality where you wish to vote, the address where the absentee ballot should be sent, if different, and your signature.  Proof of identification must also be provided.  You may make application to your municipal clerk for an absentee ballot by mail, in person or at MyVote.wi.gov. 

Making application to receive an absentee ballot by mail:

The deadline for making application to receive an absentee ballot by mail is: 5 pm on the fifth day before the election, October 29, 2020.

Note:  Special absentee voting application provisions apply to electors who are indefinitely confined to home or a care facility, in the military, hospitalized, or serving as a sequestered juror.  If this applies to you, contact the municipal clerk regarding deadlines for requesting and submitting an absentee ballot.

Voting an absentee ballot in person:

You may also request and vote an absentee ballot in the clerk’s office or other specified location during the days and hours specified for casting an absentee ballot in person.

City of Watertown                                                                                           

Clerk Elissa Friedl                                                                                          

106 Jones St. / PO Box 477                                                                         

Watertown, WI 53094                                                                                    



8 am to 4:30 pm (M-F) October 20-23

8 am to 6:00 pm (M-F) October 26-30                                                            

Town of Clyman                                                                                             

Clerk Sandra Thoma                                                                                     

735 Main St. / PO Box 159                                                                           

Clyman, WI 53016                                                                                         


By appt only                                                                                                    

Village of Clyman                                                                                           

Clerk Connie Kreitzman                                                                                

713 Morgan St. / PO Box 129                                                                      

Clyman, WI 53016                                                                                         


7:30 am to 4:00 pm (M-Th)                                                                           

Town of Concord

Clerk Brian Neuman                                                                                                          

N6830 CTH E                                                                                                  

Oconomowoc, WI 53066                                                                              


By appt only                                                                                                    

Village of Hustisford                                                                                      

Clerk Kim Hopfinger                                                                                      

201 Lake St. / PO Box 345                                                                           

Hustisford, WI 53034                                                                                     


8 am to 4:30 pm (M-F)                                                                                   

Town of Watertown                                                                                        

Clerk James Wendt                                                                                        

N8302 High Road (Town Hall)                                                                     

W2725 Rock River Paradise (mailing)                                                                           

Watertown, WI 53094                                                                                    


By appt only                                                                                                    

Town of Emmet                                                                                              

Clerk Deb Carlson                                                                                         

W6777 Second Street Rd.                                                                            

Watertown, WI  53098                                                                                   


By appt only                                                                                                    

Village of Lowell                                                                                             

Clerk Sandy Pocius                                                                                       

105 N. River St. (Village Hall)                                                                      

PO Box 397 (mailing)                                                                                    

Lowell, WI  53557                                                                                          


By appt only (M-F)

Town of Shields

Clerk Sue Johnson

N1662 Wood Rd.

Watertown, WI  53098


By appt only (M-F)

Town of Ixonia

Clerk Nancy Zastrow

W1195 Marietta Ave. / PO Box 109

Ixonia, WI  53036


7:30 am to 4:30 pm (M-Th)

7:30 am to 12:30 pm (Fri)

7:30 am to 5 pm only on Oct. 29-30

Drive through window available

Town of Lebanon

Clerk Debbie Behl

N1738 Cty Rd R / PO Box 24

Lebanon, WI  53047

920-925-3846 or 920-925-3522

By appt only**

Village of Johnson Creek

Clerk Sandra Bell

125 Depot St. / PO Box 238

Johnson Creek, WI 53038


8 am to 4 pm (M-F)

8 am to 5 pm only on Fri., Oct. 30

Town of Milford

Clerk Trisha Miller

W6335 CTH A&Q (Town Hall)

W6543 Vandre Road

Johnson Creek, WI 53038


By appt.only (M-F)

Town of Ashippun

Clerk Michelle Liesener

W1266 Cty. Rd. O (Town Hall)

PO Box 206 (mailing)

Ashippun, WI  53003


By appointment

Town of Farmington

Clerk Tami Latsch

N6468 S. Farmington Rd. (Town Hall)

W3157 Bakertown Rd. (mailing)

Helenville, WI  53137

920-699-2372 or 920-699-2348

By appt only (M-F)

The first day to vote an absentee ballot in the clerk’s office is: October 20, 2020

The last day to vote an absentee ballot in the clerk’s office is: Friday, October 30, 2020

**Indicates Sunday, November 1, 2020 is the last day to vote in this municipality only

No in-person absentee voting may occur on the day before the election. The Municipal Clerk will deliver voted ballots returned on or before Election Day to the proper polling place or counting location before the polls close on Tuesday, November 3, 2020.  Any ballots received after the polls close will not be counted.

September 14, 2020 Minutes

Board Meeting                                   September 14, 2020                           7pm


Attendance: Chairman Neale Jones, Supervisor Peter McFarland, Supervisor Ron Johnson, Treasurer Sue Nampel, Clerk Susan Johnson.

 1. The Board meeting was called to order at 7:02pm by Chairman Neale Jones, the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

2. The Minutes were reviewed by the Town Board, on a motion by Supervisor Johnson to accept the minutes as read, seconded by Supervisor McFarland. Motion Carried.

3. The Treasurers Report was read by the Town Treasurer, on a motion by Supervisor McFarland to accept the report as read and seconded by Supervisor Johnson. Motion Carried.

4. The monthly bills were read by Clerk Johnson; Supervisor Johnson made a motion to pay monthly bills and Supervisor McFarland seconded. Motion Carried.

5. Correspondences.

a. Dodge County Farm Bureau Annual Meeting Notice. Noted by the board.

b. Project Heritage sent notice of a project to establish a Pork Meat Packing & Processing operation, which will include a slaughterhouse. Counties be considered are LaCrosse, Monroe, Vernon, Juneau, Adams, Marquette, Walworth, Crawford, Richland, Grant, Iowa, Lafayette, Green, Sauk, Colombia, Dodge, Dane, Jefferson & Rock. Noted by the board.

6. Reports.

a. The Watertown Fire Report for July was 0-Fire, 2-EMS and 0-HAZCON runs to the township. The Waterloo Fire report was not available at meeting time.

b. The Plan Commission met on August 27, 2020 for a Rezoning Notification Permit and a Minor Land Division Letter of Intent Form for a new home Leon Wollitz and Kyle Wollitz. Much discussion took place on the approximate 9.5 acres of land from the A-1 Prime Agricultural Zoning to the A-2 General Agricultural Zoning. The new home is also within compliance with the DCLR & PC density standards of 2-40 acres may have one (1) division of land. This Site is in the SW ¼ of the NE ¼, Section 13 of the town of Shields the site address is being N1541 County Road K. The Plan Commission made motions to recommend the above to the Town of Shields, Town Board.

7. Old Business.

a. A discussion took place on the DCLR & PD Rezoning and Minor Land Division for Leon Wollitz and the recommendation of the Plan Commission. Supervisor Johnson made a motion to approve the Rezone of A-1 prime ag land to A-2 ag land for building a new home, Supervisor McFarland seconded. Motion Carried all were in favor. Supervisor Johnson made a motion to approve the Minor Land Division for Leon Wollitz and Supervisor McFarland seconded. Motion Carried. All were in favor. Clerk Johnson will

fax the paperwork to Dodge County so it is available for the September 21, 2020 Board Meeting.

8. New Business.

a.  The Annual Meeting date was not set at the July 2020 Annual meeting. Supervisor Johnson made a motion to hold the date for April 20, 2021 for the Town of Shields Annual Meeting at 7pm, Supervisor McFarland seconded. Motion Carried. All were in favor.

b. Watertown Fire Contract was sent. The Watertown Common Council voted to approve the option of a two-year contract starting in 2021 and ending in 2023 for fire and EMS coverage for the Townships of Shields, Emmet, Milford, and Watertown. Shields will pay $44,067.39, Emmet will pay $60304.31, Milford will pay $29,079.13 and the Town of Watertown will pay $96,086.19. Totaling $ $229,537.02. Supervisor McFarland made a motion to accept the 2021-2023 Watertown Fire Contract, Supervisor Johnson seconded. Motion Carried. All were in favor.

c. Dodge County Sheriff’s Office sent the yearly 911 Joint Powers Agreement. Chairman Jones signed the agreement. Noted by the board.

9. Miscellaneous.

a. New residents to the Town of Shields can call the clerk if they have any questions on how to Register to vote or how to vote by Absentee. Clerk Johnson number is 920-261-7154 or clerk.townofshields@yahoo.com .

10. Public Comment-None to report.

11. Next month’s meeting date; October 12, 2020 at 7 pm at the Emmet Town Hall.

Supervisor Johnson called for the meeting to be adjourned at 8:03pm and Supervisor McFarland seconded. Motion Carried Meeting Adjourned.

Respectfully Clerk Susan Johnson