Board Meeting                                   April 11, 2022                         7pm


Attendance: Chairman Neale Jones, Supervisor Peter McFarland, Supervisor Ron Johnson, Clerk-Treasurer Susan Johnson, Assessor P. Joseph Plasil, Bob Bruha.

 1. The Board meeting was called to order at 7:01pm by Chairman Neale Jones, the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

2. The Minutes were reviewed by the Town Board, on a motion by Supervisor Johnson to accept the minutes as read, seconded by Supervisor McFarland. Motion Carried.

3. The Treasurers Report was read by the Clerk-Treasurer Johnson, on a motion by Supervisor Johnson to accept the report as read and seconded by Supervisor McFarland. Motion Carried.

4. The monthly bills were read by Clerk-Treasurer Johnson; Supervisor McFarland made a motion to pay monthly bills and Supervisor Johnson seconded. Motion Carried.

5. Correspondence.

a. The Dodge County Unit Meeting for board members will be held on April 20, 2022, at the Dodge County Administration Building at 7:30pm. Noted by the board.

b. Vilas County Board of Supervisors sent a “Resolution 2021-63 Request that State Legislature Modify Levy Limits”, they would like to have the board review and put in place if we agree. The sum of the contents is “with rising inflation, the rising cost of energy, and the competition for labor from the private sector it’s becoming harder to keep a budget with the current levy in place on all of us to mange our cities, towns, townships that we are all responsible for. We are not asking for an ability to spend at will we are asking for the ability to pay our bills and retain our people”

It will be laid over until the May meeting for more discussion.

6. Reports.

a. Rural Fire Reports: The Watertown Rural Fire Department for February 2022 was 0-Fire call, 0-EMS calls, 0-MVA & 0-HAZCON. The Waterloo Fire Department for Jan, Feb, Jar were 0-Fire, ES, Hazards, Alarms, Crash, Service, Rescue’s.

b. Board of Review training was taken by Chairman Jones and Clerk-Treasurer Johnson this year. A new rule was put in place by the DOR this year that only one Board member needs to training every year going forward. Noted by the board.

7. Old Business-none to report.

8. New Business.

a. Road Bids were opened from Scott Construction for 2022 Asphaltic Cold mix wedging and Seal Coat Prices were discussed. The board will look at the roads and discuss

which roads should be looked at for 2022? Supervisor Johnson made a motion to accept Scott Construction for the road work prices to be done in 2022, and Supervisor McFarland seconded. All were in favor.

b. DCLR & PD send a Minor Land Division Letter of Intent Form for Neale Jones to create a 1.5 acre split to the property at W7780 County Q. After discussion the property would stay Business/Commercial, Industrial property, Supervisor Johnson made a motion to approve the Minor Land Division Letter of Intent and Supervisor McFarland seconded. Motion carried; all were in favor.

b. An Ordinance to allow the appointed Clerk to participate in the Board of Review for the township was put in place. A motion was made by Supervisor Peter McFarland to accept the “Ordinance to Appoint Town Clerk to the Board of Review 2022-04” and seconded by Supervisor Johnson. All were in favor.

9. Miscellaneous.

a. Open Book for review of the tax roll is set for May 9, 2022 from 5-7pm. And Board of Review is set for May 23, 2022 from 5-7pm, both will take place at the Emmet Town Hall. If you have any questions, please call Joe Plasil at 920-261-6006 or Sue Johnson at 920-261-7154.

b. The Town of Shields Annual Roadside Clean Up will be held April 23, 2022 at the Transfer Site. Garbage bags, water bottles and cookies will be available. I have already had a few calls and emails of neighbors picking up the trash on our roadsides!! Hip Hip Hooray for the TO-Shields residents, keeping everything clean!!

c. The Town of Shields Annual Meeting will be held on April 25, 2022 at the Emmet Town Hall at 7pm.

10. Public Comment- None to report.

11. Next month’s meeting date; May 9, 2022 at 7 pm at the Emmet Town Hall.

Chairman Jones called for the meeting to be adjourned at 7:55pm, he will be late for another meeting and Supervisor Johnson seconded. Motion Carried Meeting Adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted by Clerk-Treasurer Susan Johnson

Ordinance Town Clerk BOR

Ordinance to Appoint Town

Clerk to the Board of Review


WHEREAS, pursuant to s.70.46(1), Wis. Stats., the Board of Review is made up of the Town Board Supervisors and the Town Clerk; and

WHEREAS s.70.46(1m), Wis. Stats., prohibits appointed clerks, appointed treasurers, or appointed combined clerk/treasurers from serving on the Board of Review; and

WHEREAS s.70.46(1m) (b) Wis. Stats., requires the town board to fill the vacancy created by the appointed position with an elector of the town; and

WHEREAS, the Town Board desires to have the person holding the office of appointed clerk serve on the Board of Review as a voting member, provided the person is an elector of the town.

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Town Board of the Town of Shields, Dodge County, that the person holding the office of appointed clerk-treasurer be hereby appointed to serve on the Board of Review as a voting member, provided the person is an elector of the town; and

BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that such appointment remain in effect until the person holding the office of appointed clerk-treasurer is no longer an elector of the town.

Adopted this 11th day of April, 2022

By the Town Board of the Town of Shields, Dodge County:

Chairman:                                                                                                                                           Neale R Jones

Attest:                                                                                                                                                 Susan Johnson

Board of Review-Town of Shields




NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Open Book of the 2021 Assessment Roll for the Town of Shields will be available for review. On Monday, May 9, 2022 at the Emmet Town Hall, W6777 Second Street, Watertown, WI. From 5pm-7pm.  This is the time for any property owners having questions about their assessments to meet with the assessor; P. Joseph Plasil for the Town of Shields. Please call Clerk-Susan Johnson for an appointment @ 920-261-7154.

Town of Shields, Dodge County


Notice is hereby given that the Board of Review for the Town of Shields, Dodge County, Wisconsin, shall hold its first meeting on Monday, May 23, 2022 from 5-7 pm, at the Emmet Town Hall. Please be advised of the following requirements to appear before the board of review and procedural requirements if appearing before the board:

1.   No person will be allowed to appear before the board of review, to testify to the board by telephone, or to contest the amount of any assessment of real or personal property if the person has refused a reasonable written request by certified mail of the assessor to view the property.

2.   After the first meeting of the board of review and before the board’s final adjournment, no person who is scheduled to appear before the board of review may contact or provide information to a member of the board about the person’s objection, except at a session of the board.

3.   The board of review may not hear an objection to the amount or valuation of property unless, at least 48 hours before the board’s first scheduled meeting, the objector provides to the board’s clerk written or oral notice of an intent to file an objection, except that upon a showing of good cause and the submission of a written objection, the board shall waive that requirement during the first 2 hours of the board’s first scheduled meeting, and the board may waive that requirement up to the end of the 5th day of the session or up to the end of the final day of the session if the session is less than 5 days with proof of extraordinary circumstances for failure to meet the 48-hour notice requirement and failure to appear before the board of review during the first 2 hours of the first scheduled meeting.

4.   Objections to the amount or valuation of property shall first be made in writing and filed with the clerk of the board of review within the first 2 hours of the board’s first scheduled meeting, except that, upon evidence of extraordinary circumstances, the board may waive that requirement up to the end of the 5th day of the session or up to the end of the final day of the session if the session is less than 5 days. The board may require objections to the amount or valuation of property to be submitted on forms approved by the Department of Revenue, and the board shall require that any forms include stated valuations of the property in question. Persons who own land and improvements to that land may object to the aggregate valuation of that land and improvements to that land, but no person who owns land and improvements to that land may object only to the valuation of that land or only to the valuation of improvements to that land. No person may be allowed in any action or proceedings to question the amount or valuation of property unless the written objection has been filed and that person in good faith presented evidence to the board in support of the objections and made full disclosure before the board, under oath, of all of that person’s property liable to assessment in the district and the value of that property. The requirement that objections be in writing may be waived by express action of the board.

5.   When appearing before the board of review, the objecting person shall specify in writing the person’s estimate of the value of the land and of the improvements that are the subject of the person’s objection and specify the information that the person used to arrive at that estimate.

6.   No person may appear before the board of review, testify to the board by telephone, or object to a valuation if that valuation was made by the assessor or the objector using the income method of valuation, unless the person supplies the assessor with all the information about income and expenses, as specified in the assessor’s manual under s. 73.03 (2a), Wis. stats., that the assessor requests. The Town of Shields has an ordinance for the confidentiality of information about income and expenses that is provided to the assessor under this paragraph that provides exceptions for persons using information in the discharge of duties imposed by law or the duties of their officer or by order of a court.* The information that is provided under this paragraph, unless a court determined that it is inaccurate, is not subject to the right of inspection and copying under s. 19.35 (1), Wis. stats.

7.   The board shall hear upon oath, by telephone, all ill or disabled persons who present to the board a letter from a physician, surgeon, or osteopath that confirms their illness or disability. No other persons may testify by telephone unless the Board, in its discretion, has determined to grant a property owner’s or their representative’s request to testify under oath by telephone or written statement.   

8.   No person may appear before the board of review, testify to the board by telephone, or contest the amount of any assessment unless, at least 48 hours before the first meeting of the board, or at least 48 hours before the objection is heard if the objection is allowed under s.70.47 (3) (a), Wis. stats., that person provides to the clerk of the board of review notice as to whether the person will ask for the removal of a member of the board of review and, if so, which member, and provides a reasonable estimate of the length of time the hearing will take.

Notice is hereby given this 15 day of April 2022

Susan Johnson

Clerk-Treasurer Town of Shields