September 11, 2023 Minutes

Town of Shields
Dodge County, Wisconsin

Town Board September 11, 2023


Attendance: Chairman Neale Jones, Supervisor Peter McFarland, Supervisor Kyle Wollitz, Clerk-Treasurer Susan Johnson, Steve Yohn.

The Board meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by Chairman Neale Jones, the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

  1. The Minutes were reviewed by the Town Board, on a motion by Supervisor McFarland to accept the minutes as read, seconded by Supervisor Wollitz. Motion Carried.
  2. The Treasurer’s Report was read by the Clerk-Treasurer Johnson, on a motion by Supervisor Wollitz to accept the report as read and seconded by Supervisor McFarland. Motion Carried.
  3. The monthly bills were read by Clerk-Treasurer Johnson; Chairman Jones made a motion to pay monthly bills and Supervisor McFarland seconded. Motion Carried.
  4. Correspondence.
    a. The Demographic Service Center sent notice as of January 1, 2023 population for the Town of Shields in Dodge County is 509. This represents a change of six people since 2020. Noted by the board.
    b. DCLR & PD sent a meeting date for “Notice of Amendments to the Dodge County Sanitary Ordinance” The petition includes a series of amendments that are intended to clarify the maintenance, reporting and maintenance fee requirements for private onsite wastewater treatment systems and its components, for holding tanks and for alternative sanitation systems. A copy of the proposed amendment is available for review in the County Land Resources and Parks Department. Meeting to be held on September 25, 2023 at the Administrative Building in Juneau. Noted by the board.
    c. Waste Management sent notice of a Service Change Date for pick up of Recycling and Trash. The new pick up-date will be Wednesday’s going forward.
    REMINDER: Please make sure if you use the Transfer Site on non-attendant days, PLEASE make sure the lid closes tightly after you throw your trash bag in the dumpster.
  5. Reports.
    a. The Watertown Rural Fire Reports are as follows: The Watertown Fire Department for September 2023 was not available at meeting time. The Waterloo Fire Department report for September 2023 was no Fire, EMS, MVA, No HAZCON.
  6. Old Business-None to report
  7. New Business.
    a. The board tabled the Transfer Site/Recycling Agreements discussions last month so they could have time to review the proposed proposals from Waste Management, LRS and GFL. In reviewing the contracts and a few more questions need to be answered in the final agreement, the board has agreed to switch to GFL for a 3-year period. The clerk will confirm the agreement before signing and work out the details with Waste Management on the time for all to take place. Peter McFarland made a motion to accept the GFL agreement after the final agreement for the October 2nd monthly board meeting and Kyle Wollitz seconded. All were in favor. Motion Carried.
  8. Miscellaneous.
    a. Drafting of the 2024 Budget will be at 7pm at the clerk’s home on September 28th.
    b. The October Board Meeting date will be October 2, 2023, 7pm at the Emmet Town Hall. This will be a date change.
    c. Public Hearing on the proposed 2024 Budget will be held on November 13, 2023, following the monthly board meeting that begins at 7pm.
  9. Public Comment-None to report
  10. Next month’s board meeting date; October 2, 2023 at 7 pm at the Emmet Town Hall.
  11. Supervisor McFarland called for the meeting to be adjourned at 7:24pm and Supervisor Wollitz seconded. Motion Carried Meeting Adjourned. Respectfully Submitted by Clerk-Treasurer Susan Johnson