Daily Archives: July 3, 2024
July 8th 2024 Town Board Agenda
Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance
- Minutes
- Treasurers Report
- Pay Monthly Bills
- Correspondence.
- Dodge County Land Resources and Parks Dept. sent a notice of approval for a Land Use Permit for McFarlandale Dairy LLC at N302 Cty Rd K Watertown WI for asphalt feed storage area, waste storage facility, and waste facility abandonment.
- Dodge County Highway Commission letter on accounting error for years 2020-2023. They had some overcharged rates to billing for services. Also noted in letter a 15% “facility fee” for local agencies they perform work for or sell parts too for the recovery of facility costs not covered in labor and equipment rates.
- Wisconsin Disaster Fund is available to some for damage during recent flooding/ storms. Information can be found at Widisasterfund@widma.gov
- DNR sent notice of grant for electronic collection for E-Cycle Wisconsin if interested we can put in for it.
- Reports
- Watertown & Waterloo Fire Dept. monthly reports.
- Old Business
- Izaak Walton Liquor License for July 1st 2024-June 30th 2025 they declined renewal at this time.
- New Business
- DCLR &Parks Dept. sent Letter of intent for Todd and Kandice Blank for Minor land division at B886 Barry Road to allow for a single-family home. A Planning Commission meeting was held on June 27th and approved if it was only for family use.
- DCLR& Parks Dept. sent a Letter of Rezoning Notification for Todd and Kandace Blank at N886 Barry Road to rezone 4.5 acres of land from A-1 to A-2 for single family home. A Planning Commission meeting was held on June 27th and approved if it was 16 acres rezoned to A-2 and for family use only.
- DCLR & Parks Dept sent a notice of a Conditional Use Permit for Robb Bender/ McFarlandale Dairy LLC located at N302 Cty Rd K Watertown WI to install a manure pit/ waste storage facility. A Planning Commission meeting was held on June 27th and approved. Was also noted Dodge County Public hearing had already taken place on June 24th and they already approved as well.
- Miscellaneous
- August Elections will take place on August 13th from 7am-8pm at Emmet Town Hall. If you need to register to vote please do so at https://myvote.wi.gov/en-us/Register-To-Vote or Clerk Klusken can assist at 920-261-7154
- Public Comment
- Next month’s meeting date August 12th 7pm at the Emmet Town Hall.
- Adjourn
Town Board Meeting June 10th Minutes
Minutes- June 10th 2024 7PM at Emmet Town Hall
Attendance: Chairman Neale Jones, Supervisor Peter McFarland, Supervisor Kyle Wollitz, Bob Bruha, and Clerk-Treasurer Julie Klusken.
The Board meeting was called to order at 6:59 pm by Neale Jones, the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
- The Minutes were reviewed by the Town Board, on a motion by Supervisor McFarland to accept the minutes as reviewed, seconded by Supervisor Wollitz. Motion Carried.
- The Treasurer’s Report was read by the Clerk-Treasurer Klusken, on a motion by Supervisor Wollitz to accept the report as read and seconded by Supervisor McFarland. Motion Carried.
- The monthly bills were read by Clerk-Treasurer Klusken; Supervisor Wollitz made a motion to pay monthly bills and Supervisor McFarland seconded. Motion Carried. It was noted no GFL bill this month due to lock bar and dumpster drop off fee waived and currently no payment due this month.
- Correspondence-
- Grant for 2024 for recycling was approved.
- Dodge County Land Resources and Parks Dept. sent a notice of approval for Clint Stiemke at W7793 Provimi Road Watertown WI for Roof Mounted Solar PV installation.
- DCLR&P dept sent a notice of approval for Ron and Sue Johnson for the construction of a 40X60 shed.
- GFL dumpster drop off fee and lock bar fee waived from past bill for the town.
- Reports.
- The Watertown Rural Fire Reports are as follows: The Watertown Fire Department Report for May 2024 was 1 EMS call, 1 MVA call. The Waterloo Fire Dept. was not ready yet by meeting date.
- Old Business-
- Review and updates to Compliance Assurance Plan for Transfer Site is still be worked by Clerk Klusken.
- New Business.
- Road Bids: Scotts Construction representative Bob Bruha had a bid that the board reviewed. After long discussion Supervisor McFarland made a motion to accept the Scotts Construction bid for Seal Coat of Price per Mile by 20 Feet Wide using FA2 Black Granite Chips- $22,879.00 and seconded by Supervisor Wollitz. All in favor, motion carried.
- Renewal of Casey’s Saloon and Izaak Walton Liquor Licenses for July 1st to June 30th 2025. After discussion and review Supervisor Wollitz made a motion to approve the renewal of the liquor licenses, seconded by Supervisor McFarland. All in favor, motion carried.
- Miscellaneous
- Clerk-Treasurer Klusken completed the Personal Property Value Report to Dept. of Revenue with support from the new assessor. Due to Act 12 changes were made to what is reported.
- Public Comment
- None
- Next month’s board meeting date; July 8th at 7 pm at the Emmet Town Hall.
- Chairman Jones called the meeting to adjourn at 7:23pm and Supervisor McFarland seconded. Motioned carried. Meeting Adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted by Clerk-Treasurer Julie Klusken
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes from June 27th 2024
Attendance: Chairman Tony Peirick, Shannon O’Gorman, Sandee Macht, Jeff Kluslow, Joe Plasil, Robb Bender, Irene Blanke, Todd and Kandace Blank, and Clerk-Treasure Julie Klusken.
- The June 27th 2024, Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chairman Tony Peirick at 7:00pm at the Emmet Town Hall.
- The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
- The March 28th 2024 minutes were reviewed by the board. Jeff Kluslow made a motion to accept the minutes as reviewed and Shannon O’Gorman seconded. Motion carried all were in favor.
- Dodge County Land Resources and Parks Department sent notice of an application for a Conditional Use Permit for Robb Bender/ McFarlandale Dairy LLC located at N302 Cty Rd K Watertown WI. 53098 to install a manure pit/ waste storage facility. It was noted that this permit has already been approved by Dodge County on Monday June 24th meeting. Board discussed the permit and Shannon O’Gorman made a motion to approve permit and Sandee Macht seconded the motions. Motion Carried all in favor.
- Dodge County Land Resources and Parks Department sent a Letter of Rezoning notification for Todd and Kandace Blank at N886 Barry Road to rezone 4.5 acres of land to rezone from A-1 Prime Agriculture to A-2 General Agriculture land for a single-family residence. After board discussion with Kandace and Todd Blanke on the reasoning for the request, Shannon O’Gorman made a motion to approve request if all 16 acres are rezoned to A-2 General Agricultural and with the agreement that this would be only family would be using the land, and Sandee Macht seconded motion. Motion carried all in favor. Irene Blanke provided some concern with use of outdoor wood burner due to the smoke that spreads to her property and concern for her animals and workers. Irene Blanke noted concern that another outdoor wood burner would cause more smoke to her farm. After discussion with Irene Blanke and Kandace and Todd Blank it was reported that the new home would not be installing an outdoor wood burner at that location.
- Dodge County Land Resources and Parks Department sent a letter of Intent Notification of a Minor Land Division for Todd and Kandace Blank at N886 Barry Road to allow for a single-family residence. After discussion with Kandace and Todd Blank, Shannon O’Gorman made a motion to approve request with the exception that this split is for family use only, and Jeff Kluslow seconded the motion. Motion carried all in favor.
- The Plan Commission meeting was called for adjournment at 7:30pm by Shannon O’Gorman and Jeff Kluslow seconded. Motion Carried all were in favor.
Respectfully submitted by Julie Klusken